* Decision Making and the Will of God: A Biblical Alternative to the Traditional View - Garry Friesen
* The Pleasures of God: Meditations on God's Delight in Being God - John Piper
* Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God - J.I. Packer
* The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination - Loraine Boettner
*(reviews in alphabetical order)*
Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God - Francis Chan
Chan, Francis, and Danae Yankoski. Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God. Colorado Springs, Colo.: David C. Cook, 2008
192 pages
Francis Chan, another one of my favorite pastors, is probably the best example I have seen of the Gospel embodied and applied. This guy took a year off from being his church's pastor - which he planted and pastored for 13 years - because he felt lukewarm. He has given nearly all of the money from the sales of his books away and also gives a huge portion of his own money. He has recently, again, announced that he will be taking leave from his church in order to evaluate his life and spend time alone with God and studying Scripture.
Crazy Love is a great book to provide you with an insight into Francis' passion and zeal for God. He encourages reader to be radical in living out the Gospel and not to settle for mediocrity. His writing is very practical in nature and gives biblical principles for the Cristian. Crazy Love will spur the reader to change his way of thinking and to fully understand the love which the Gospel births in the life of a believer. Francis hopes that the reader will come away with a realization of the greatness of God and a better practical understanding of how we are to live out our lives as Christians.
Chan's intentions are that the reader take the book slowly and really take time to contemplate and soak in the truths. Throughout the book and at the end of each chapter he directs you to awe-inspiring and thought-provoking videos on the book's website (here is one which summarizes Chan's purpose and hope for the book). I highly endorse this book and recommend it to any Christian. It is another book that should be on the shelf of every Believer.
A word of caution must be given, though. Do not read this book if you are not prepared to change the way you are living. No reader can honestly come away from reading this book and say that he is as passionate as he should be, loving God the way he should, and living sacrificially like he should. So be prepared to feel uncomfortable as you read this. Hopefully, though, you will be able to use that discomfort to spur you to do something radical about where you are in your walk with God.
Found: God's Will - John MacArthur
MacArthur, John. Found: God's Will. Colorado Springs, Colo.: ChariotVictor, 1977.
64 pages
I was first given this book in my eighth grade Bible class in middle school. At the time I did not quite grasp the profound principles John MacArthur set forth in this booklet, but have since come to better understand and love the Scriptural truth he communicates.
The book is very short and really more of a booklet (only 64 short pages). It can easily be read in one setting, although I would recommend taking it slowly and examining the Scripture used for yourself and letting the principles really sink in. Written for the layman, it is very easy to follow and understand. He does not use complicated theological ideas or terms which can cause confusion, but writes in a clear and concise manner.
In opposition the the commonly accepted view of God's will, MacArthur proposes when the Christian is following God's commands in Scripture and his heart, mind, and nature have been regenerated and renewed by the work of the Holy Spirit, God's will is that he do the desires of his heart. I have found this wonderful truth to be greatly comforting and take joy in knowing that as long as I am following God's commands in Scripture and making wise decisions I can have confidence that I am following God's will for my life.
This is a wonderful book which should be read by any Christian (I might even recommend it to unbelievers). It is foundational in giving the believer a correct understanding of God's will for his life and how he can practically "find" it.
In the Air for Him: The Story of Hank Scheltema and ABWE Air - Ruth Scheltema
Scheltema, Ruth. In the Air for Him: the Story of Hank Scheltema and ABWE Air. Harrisburg, PA: ABWE Pub., 2006.
303 pages
In the Air for Him is the story of the faithful men and women who served/have served/are serving the Lord through the missionary aviation ministry of ABWE (Association of Baptists for World Evangelism). The book highlights the lives of Hank and Ruth Scheltema - the founders of ABWE's aviation branch - and the work of the Lord in the jungles of South America in which they served. Also in the book are the stories of many other devoted missionaries who obeyed Christ's command and gave their all to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.
It is written in very common language with just a bit of aviation jargon here and there (nothing too important to the storyline). It is a very intriguing and thoroughly enjoyable read. I would recommend this book to anyone with an interest in missions and a heart for the lost. It was greatly encouraging and just one of the testimonies of countless Saints who have given their hearts and lives to cross-cultural lifelong Gospel missions.
Let the Nations be Glad!: The Supremacy of God in Missions - John Piper
Piper, John. Let the Nations Be Glad!: the Supremacy of God in Missions. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 2003
280 pages
As I have said many times before, John Piper is one of my favorite pastors and writers. His passion for the Glory of God saturates his writing and draws you in as you read.
Just about every recommended books list that I could find had Let the Nations be Glad on the top in the category of missions. So, when I was looking for a book to read on missions it was the natural choice. Having a passion for missions myself, this was one of my favorite books I have ever read. Piper does a great job of highlighting God's glory in missionary work and the grave importance of the work. He writes that the Great Commission is a command, not a suggestion. All Christians, he exhorts, are to be a part of this work by either going or sending. Aside from these two, sin is the only option. There is no third choice.
Whether you are already sure of missions for your life's work or are considering it this is a great book for you to read. Even for those who serve God in areas other than full-time missions, this is a must-read. It will stir in you a desire to obey the command of God to make disciples of all nations by either going or sending.
The book (in typical Piper style) is filled with Scripture to encourage and motivate you to change your view of missions to one that is biblical.
Unsilenced: How to Voice the Gospel - James Boccardo
Boccardo, James. Unsilenced: How to Voice the Gospel. 1st ed. CrossBooks Publishing, 2010.
188 pages
This book was a great treat for me to read. James Boccardo is actually one of my good friends, so reading a book which he wrote was quite exciting.
This book is a great resource which I would suggest should be on the bookshelf of every Christian. Whether you are have been a Christian for 50 years or 5 days this is a book you should definitely read. If you are a veteran "Gospel-sharer" or have never shared your faith, Boccardo does a great job of providing wonderful insight and practical advice from Scripture and his personal experiences in witnessing to equip you to effectively communicate the Gospel and encourage you to get out there and actually do it. The book is very practical and provides the reader with many personal stories from the writer and insight on many of the difficulties you will likely face in your evangelism
One of the best aspects of the book is that he devotes a chapter to clearly and accurately explaining what the Gospel is - something that most other books on evangelism omit or fail to do well. This is hugely important, because, how can a person share the Gospel effectively if he does not understand what it is.
Some of my favorite chapters provide great practical insight and teaching. Chapter four is called "The Famous Excuse List." It is a great chapter in which James goes through many of the excuses people commonly use to justify not sharing the Gospel and debunks them. Chapter five is devoted to giving practical advice on how to start conversations with people and some effective questions to ask. Chapter six, entitled "Bumps in the Road," takes a look at nineteen questions and problems people may raise in your evangelism.
Also, the book has a great apologetic section to give you answers to many of the most common questions you might face when sharing your faith. An appendix provides the reader with Scripture on many issues and other books related to specific topics to help equip and inform you.
The book is well written and very easy to read. Once you start it you won't want to put it down until you're finished.
The best part about this book, for me, is that I have seen what James has written about enacted in his life. He has a greater passion for the lost than anyone I know. He truly exemplifies what he teaches in his writing. This book is filled with wisdom from years of faithful personal experiences on his part in sharing the Gospel and is quite an invaluable asset to the Christian.