Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall.
(1 Corinthians 10:12 ESV)Having said that,
I am fed up with today's American culture in so many ways. I think part of it is probably due to my proclivity to a judgmental and prideful spirit, but I think, for the most part, it is based on accurate observations of flaws in our society. The one thing, though, that infuriates me the most is today's "man."
What has happened to males in our culture? Where are the men? America today is filled with a bunch of boys who think they are men, but in no way act or think like one. Our country - and, no less, the church - is filled with boys who have yet to grow up. They do not have a job, they are still in school(mostly due to lack of vision and purpose or simply to further postpone responsibility), they have no idea what they will do with their life, are still dependent on their parents, move back home after school, they do not have a place of their own, they do not know how to handle responsibility(causing more and more women to now take the reigns of responsibility where men have not stepped up), they are delaying marriage so they can continue to enjoy sleeping with and treating their girlfriends like dirt without any long-term commitment, they are lazy, they do not know how to treat a woman, and they are video game and porn addicts! Worst of all, they are perfectly content with being this way.
In short, our society is filled with a bunch of deadbeat losers, claiming to be men!
I hate this and I really don't understand it. Why are the males today not taking life and their role as a man seriously? Check this out from Al Mohler:
Consider this: In 1960, the vast majority of young adults had, by the time they reached 30, accomplished the five standard milestones used to measure adult status. These milestones include completing school, leaving home, getting married, having a child, and establishing financial independence. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, less than one-half of all young women reached these milestones by age 30 in 2000. Even more concerning — less than one third of all young men did.
- from "Why Aren’t ‘Emerging Adults’ Emerging as Adults?" by Al MohlerNow, I am no sociologist, but I do see a few things that have contributed to this:
I think that fourth point is the most influential, and it really parallels what is happening today. The rise of adolescence in the 20th century birthed this new, so-called, "distinct and essential" life-stage between childhood and adulthood. Now, society has made a new life-stage between adolescence and adulthood which is referred to as "emerging adulthood," postponing responsibility and adulthood even further in life. In my view, this idea has hurt society much more than it has helped.
- A greater need for more education in order to make it in the world
- Fewer entry-level jobs on the market
- Young people feeling less rush to marry because of the general acceptance of premarital sex, cohabitation and birth control
- The rise of adolescence in the 20th century
I say all of that to say this(to the males):
Learn how to be a man. Grow a backbone. Learn how to handle responsibility. Get a job. Become financially independent. Decide what you will do with your life and how you will honor God with that. Learn how to respect women. Find a woman, pursue her(Women really do want to be pursued. Get some guts, stop just "hanging out" with girls, and date one.) love her, marry her, have babies with her, teach your children to love God and your sons how to be men(so that, hopefully, this problem will not carry on to future generations), and glorify God with your marriage. And, most importantly, love God, pursue Him, and glorify him with your life.
Once again, I must reiterate my humility in all of this. I am not at all saying that I am the model man and have all of this working in my life. These words are just as much to me as they are to you.
Here's a link to that article by Al Mohler which I quoted (a very interesting read):
and another good one by him:, and
*And if you need more convincing, here is a great message by Mark Driscoll, known best for his no-bull way of preaching, who can say it much better than I can. If you don't have time to watch the whole thing(although I would highly recommend you do) start it around the 1hr., 7min. mark for a nice punch in the groin.
Ouch! Well said though.
okay I wrote this during watching this video:
"you are in charge of shutting up"
"changing his paverbial diaper" haha this guy.
Man, guys have a ton on them. I knew this but not indepth. I am a big fan of Mark Driscoll right now.
"He didnt look at the church and say 'what a mess, good luck.' He came and died for her." BAM. If I had a penny for everytime he calls guys a joke. I get chills at the 1hr 7min mark. Blood of your murdered savior. This is good. God might kill you right now to make an example of you.
I'm glad I watched it.
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