Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Okay, so I should have known I couldn't talk about the Authority of Scripture in just one post. But oh well. Anyway, here is just a quick addition to today's post I wanted to share. Once again I go to John Piper to say much better than I can what I desire to communicate. This sermon just shows one of the many reasons why I love John Piper - He loves Scripture. I mean, for the first 16 minutes of the sermon he is simply quoting Scripture. Here's a link to the sermon notes.

For a second addition, I just wanted to give you a quote I heard from David Platt in a talk I was listening to today. "Gospel theology necessitates urgent missiology." This is such a true statement. As I said in my last post, a proper understanding of the Gospel will lead to "a Greater love for God based on a greater understanding of Him, resulting in a greater love for others and a greater heart for the lost."

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